Liverpool Monday 8th January 2024 21:09:00

Our monitoring systems are reporting loss of service in areas of Liverpool

Services have been moved back to the main link with no further outages expected. We have received the following Reason for Outage from our supplier:

"This outage was caused by an engineer working under some planned fibre works and disconnected the wrong fibre due to a records issue which will now be rectified. The engineer has now moved away from the ODF to which the fibre was disconnected. We will update you once the engineer has left site and all works are completed. We do not expect to see any further issues."

We apologise profusely for their incompetence. We will follow this up with the supplier tomorrow.

All services are restored and going out via a backup route. We are still awaiting updates regarding the Main Link and the Reason for the outage from our supplier.

We are in the process of restoring services via an alternative backup route whilst we await updates from our supplier. This should see services restore however at much lower speeds than normal and with some performance issues. Updates to follow on restoration of the main link and the progress of traffic rerouting

Our Network Operations Team are currently working to restore services via an alternate route whilst we await an update from our supplier. We will have more updates on this as well as any updates we receive from our supplier as soon as possible

We have contacted our backhaul fibre supplier to our Liverpool Exchange and raised a fault and are awaiting an update from them. More updates to follow