Maintenance Window 2309005 - Rural Wednesday 20th December 2023 00:00:00

Maintenance Reference: ITY2309005

Impact - At Risk

Date: Wednesday 20th December

Time: 00:00-06:00


As part of our continued network growth and expansion plans, Network Operations will complete maintenance works to increase our network capacity. These works are classified as at risk. At risk indicates that services are not expected to be impacted; however, as our Network Operations Team will be working on critical infrastructure, the risk of service impact is heightened.

Impacted Customers:

DN18, DN19, DN36, DN39

Emails have also been sent

Our engineers have had to roll back configurations due to an incorrect configuration within our new high-capacity link. Services are online and stable and we will announce a new maintenance window to introduce the new high-capacity link.

Maintenance window has commenced

Work is set to start on time at 00:00 this evening. Updates to follow